Friday, November 13, 2015

Start Here If You Are A Newbie

Originally this blog was meant to have lot less posts and to serve simply as a place I can send newbies with too many basic questions.  Over time I ended up having too many posts with deals which expired and other nonsense cluttering up things.

Quite frankly I do not really have time to keep updating blogs like this one with any regularity. So I'm making this post and linking bunch of other useful posts/pages you should look through rather than scroll through rest.

To open with, one thing you MUST understand before you begin is that you do not read a book, or a blog post or some WSO and turn around and start seeing thousands of dollars coming your way.

ZWN Payment Proof

But you can start seeing extra three figure income same month you begin in.

The best advice I can give you is to not spend ANY money until you understand what are you buying exactly, and why. Friend of mine recently paid for VPN service which is worse than 100% free VPN services I could have linked him.

Before you read anything else I suggest you go watch, or at least skim through three videos I linked on this page:

Then maybe you can check and see which of these 11 free internet marketing courses are still available. I have no idea as last I looked at them was when I wrote the article:

Probably simplest way for unskilled laborer to make few extra dollars are PTC, get paid to click, programs. Just one will not really cut it, but running two or three in combination with filling out surveys could make you more than a minimum wage part time job at same expenditure of time:

Other than that, while I price few books I put up on Amazon cheapest I can to be a part of KDP/Lending program, at $2.99, I also realize that good chunk of folks who really need help starting out find 3 dollars sky high.

I have a lot of stuff out there for free, but if you want a cheap, but solid, ebook, which contains more actionable (as in, you can just go do it right now, not just fantasize about it) stuff in it than beginner will need I suggest you begin with this ebook: How To Make Money Online

In that ebook I have listed an email through which you can send suggestions.

Or maybe you prefer to read books which will make you more motivated, but have no real actionable ideas beyond what I can sum up in one sentence, well here are sentences and list of books society gets motivated by (while remaining just as broke):

Anyway, thats it for now, and hopefully this makes starting out easier.

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