Saturday, August 15, 2015

How To Run Multiple Google Chrome Profiles At The Same Time

This is actually very simple thing to do and it saves you from having to log off and log on different Google Plus profiles. There are various reasons to need to do that often, in my case it is because I have separate business accounts and separate personal accounts, and often I need to be logged into several at the same time.

Using Chrome plugins for IP proxies you can even appear to be two different people located in different countries if privacy is an issue.

Here is quick and easy way to create as many extra profiles as you need:

1. You need to make a new folder somewhere. For purposes of this tutorial we will make folder called "Chrome 2" and place it on D drive, so exact path will be "D:\Chrome 2"

2. Make another Chrome Shortcut. Call it Chrome 2. Thats what you will use to start up this second profile.

3. Right click on that Chrome 2 shortcut link, go to Properties, Shortcut, Target.

4. Click into Target field, add space first, then add:

--user-data-dir="D:\Chrome 2"

5. Thats all folks, Just use that shortcut to start second Chrome profile. You can make as many extra profiles as you like by repeating these steps. I suggest using different skins to differentiate them.

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