For couple of years now I have been trying to streamline and reduce number of websites/domains I own. Reason is probably obvious to anyone who has been making money online for past two decades. Times changed.
In late 1990's the way to make big bucks was to simply have as many different domains as possible. Lots of them with no more than 5 pages. That was before blogs, but you can consider them basically blogs with 5 posts, never updated, never changed.
Million search engine updates later, and the way internet functions is very much different now. Instead of going to old, reliable page to get information, people expect constantly updated and new information as legitimate source. That does not mean that old page with good article on it will no longer get hits, because it will, especially if it keeps being linked to, but it does mean that what gets shown to people tends to be newest information for selected keywords.
Static websites get lot less traffic now and its all about blogs. Therefore I am moving number of articles that are still applicable, and some that will be after minor rewrites, to this blog, as part of larger streamlining project.
That means that you might be going to one of 30-40 of my old domains (until they expire, 12-24 months from now), and will be redirected here instead. Old content will no longer be available on those domains. If its still applicable, it will be reposted here, probably soon. If its not, then its gone. If it really matters, then you can try to use something like "the way back machine" (just Google that) to see if they have it.
For now, this will be simply moved to Google Blogger, then it will take custom domain, and then, depending on how things go it might either just stay on Blogger (as that means free hosting, and self hosting some 1700 sites like I am doing now, most of which barely earn what it costs me to run them, just makes no sense any longer and neither does $10 per domain name when they can be all merged down to maybe 20) or moved to Wordpress.
There might be a while between updates as I am currently busy dealing with selling off most of these domains I've been holding for past 10 years for no good reason. Domaineering changed as well, and its far too much hassle for too little return to flip domains in bulk these days.
So, make sure to subscribe/follow or whatever Blogger has as options as you will probably want to be aware of new posts on this blog. As usual, stuff I post here 100% free is stuff that others try to sell you in WSO's and ebooks. No filler, just actionable reality.
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