Thursday, May 14, 2015

TSU is a SCAM and here is why (you will NOT make money on TSU)

About twelve months ago, somewhere in mid 2014, I wrote few articles about why, mathematically and socially, TSU, an alternative to Facebook, was most likely going to fail. And as of few months ago, gradually, number of folks who keep trying to promote TSU fell over 99%.

This will be a lengthy article, I will explain how its supposed to work, how it actually works and why you will NEVER get minimum payout of $100. Therefore, it is a scam as TSU founders are well aware that mathematically their scheme is basically a pyramid scheme where only they can make money.

Here is how TSU is supposed to work:

TSU keeps 10% of total advertising dollars. 90% goes to users. So far, sounds great, and main selling point is that "Hey look, Facebook does not pay you anything, so something is better than nothing, right?" Only, no, it is not. Facebook works. Facebook has groups and pages in which I easily make more monthly than what I'd make on TSU in next 100 years. Its like someone telling you that rotten food is better than Fillet Mignon prepared by the Gordon Ramsey just for you, because rotten food is free.

So in order for that 90% to have meaning, YOUR share needs to amount to something meaningful. Like a cup of coffee a day. Which is about $4-7 here. But lets even say you just want one cup of great coffee a week, which would be $1 per day.

There is a problem with making $1 per day from TSU. If Facebook split up revenue according to TSU scheme, ... each user would receive, approximately, 1/100 of 1 cent, per day. Or bit less, but at that point semantics no longer matter really, I did math to see that it was penny or less and that was sufficient as proof that scheme is not profitable. And TSU is not even close to being Facebook, nor making what Facebook makes. This is very easy to verify, go look up what Facebook makes monthly, divide by 30, then divide that by total number of users.

From several other articles, I noticed this exact line: It will take 10,000 days or roughly 28 Years to earn $100. Minimum payout from TSU is ... $100.

Of course, there are few exceptions. Not everybody is average.

Supposedly, two users, two out of 7 million users, succeed in making $100 each, after 2 years. Both of these users have over 10 thousand followers and put in huge number of hours into this.Now, another problem is that cheque images I saw were ... handwritten. One of them was to company name, not individuals name. I find that suspect and therefore I have to stand behind what I wrote. That I do not believe anyone, legitimately, made $100, and I doubt anyone ever will.

Reason why? Because TSU owes millions. I believe exact number they borrowed was 7 million, and TSU is not even close to a profitable venture. They appear to be banning people who spam, yet by design you expect people will spam, just lol.

I was banned twice, but not for spamming. No, I was banned, and unbanned, twice, for posting, on my own timeline, links to my own blog posts where I did comparisons of features between TSU and several competitors. Same thing I posted on Facebook and never had issues with Facebook over. Two of my friends were permanently banned for things said only in PM's. Yes, in private messages, to each other. Apparently TSU employees monitor PM's ...

On one of my TSU accounts I made 21 cents, after 8 months of taking extra step to post there in addition to Fb/Twitter/Pinterest. That's with 5000 friends, maybe 2800 followers, 20 or so of which shared and liked literally every single one of my posts, total of 72 posts, and some 20,000 likes overall.

On my personal account, where I was nowhere near as prolific, I think I made about 9 cents after over a year of sporadic use, bit over 1000 friends, maybe 200-300 posts, 5-10 likes on some, less on others.

Truth is, you are wasting your time if you use TSU. I wasted whatever time I put into it. Unlike Google Plus and Facebook, you can NEVER completely delete your content from TSU. Go read TSU ToS.

Are you making enough for a coffee a day? A week? A month? Why not start keeping track of how much time you put into TSU and what you got out of it? And then go look up minimum wages per hour by the country :)

TSU is a SCAM.

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